Where are you photographing today?

Organize and keep your photo locations in one place

A good photograph is knowing where to stand. -Ansel Adams
MyPhotoLocations lets you organize your scouted locations and have them available whenever you need them
Get started!

Makes photographers' lives easier

Quickly mark a scouted location with a gps enabled photo Build a catalogue of photo locations that you scouted or you plan to visit Easily categorize your locations with tags Add scouting and reference photos to plan your future visits

Pricing & Plans

You can sign up and trial MyPhotoLocations for free but there are limits. You will only be able to create up to 5 locations with a limited number of tags and photos. So if you think this can be a useful tool for you, please consider subscribing:


What is this tool, how is it going to help me?

Think of it as your personal logbook or a journal for your photography activities: scouting, location research and logging of your location visits. It is always available across all of your devices, and it includes modern day tools like integration with Google Maps and AI powered exploration and location research among others.

Is it going to work on my computer / tablet / phone?

MyPhotoLocations is a web application and will work on any device connected to the internet. It will work with different screen sizes and work both on mobile and on a desktop computer.

Is it a free tool, how much will it cost?

A free trial will be available, however there will be a subscription cost because of all the external services the app interacts with that have recurring costs. There will be a monthly and yearly subscription options.

When is it going to be available?

The early access is available now and full access will be available some time in August-September when more features are complete.